Yoga for Grieving Bodies Workshop


One-day Workshop of Healing Movement

Sometimes there are no words that touch the complexity and depth of what we are feeling. This feeling is held silently often tightly in the body until we take the time to process the waves of emotions and thoughts that come hand in hand with what we experience in our lives. Many times, the more intense the experience, the greater the intensity of emotions and the harder to navigate through them.

Yoga for Grieving Bodies uses gentle stretches and a focus on breathing to create a bridge between what is felt inside and what is happening outside. This is also known as Interoceptive Movement Practice (IMP). This is a guided practice with an experienced teacher in a supportive environment.

This workshop is offered at no cost to participants.


Sunday, April 7, 2024 from 11:00 - 1:00pm at 100th Monkey Yoga Studio

Class is limited! Please register below or call 907-512-0600